Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Stress Test

 Today Eric had a stress test in St. George.  It went about exactly how it shows in the picture.  He lasted about eight and a half minutes on the treadmill before his legs couldn't take any more.  Thankfully the EKG and Ultrasound showed that his heart is in good shape, but he is below average in activity tolerance due to Long Covid.  The interesting part of the picture happens after the initial stress test.  You can see that his body doesn't really return to a state of rest for another six hours after the test.  During that time we ate lunch, visited with his parents at the St. George Tabernacle, took a nap at his parents house, and then went to a Neurofeedback appointment (which involves sitting in a chair watching TV).  He was pretty drained after the test for the rest of the day.