Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Pretty restful days

 The last few days have been pretty restful. Friday and most of sa were spent at home, cont to recover from the weeks activities. Sat evening however, I had the chance to play pathfinder at nerd night. I'm grateful that we got into that game over the last year or so. It's actually something I can participate in and socialize through without being too draining. I went to Sacrament meeting Sunday and then spent the rest of the day at home or at Keith and Lacie's house. Monday was just a quick trip to St George to do neurofeedback and then back home. Tuesday I was a little foggy again, so I just wanted to keep calm and with no things to focus on. Today was mostly spent at home with just one trip into Caliente to get some blood drawn.

One of the troubles that I have every once in a while is feeling like a burden and worthless. Amber has done a great job of taking care of me and helping me feel loved and needed, but it is very difficult mentally to go from being a provider to being a patient.