Thursday, October 14, 2021

CPAP and diet

 Two nights ago, I started using a CPAP while sleeping since I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. I'm usually a stomach to side sleeper, so this is taking some getting used to. During the sleep study I had issues an average of every three minutes, but no problem with my oxygen levels. I've never woken up gasping or feeling short of breath, but the study showed I had no REM or deep sleep, only light sleep the whole night.

I've also been on a really strict diet for the last four weeks. I started with the autoimmune protocol diet and am progressing to the anti-inflammatory then the MIND diet. I only add one new food each week. Last week was tomatoes and it did not go well. I had headaches almost every night along with burning in my bladder two out of the four nights that I had tomatoes. This week is eggs, and it's going much better. Next week: macadamia nuts. The AIP diet is very strict, only allowing certain fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed meats. I have lost about twenty pounds since I started.