Sunday, February 8, 2015

That awkward moment when........

     I'm often surprised at how much joy Amelia gives me.  You might mistakingly think that her being my sixth child, that the funess of babies had lost it's enjoyment and gotten old, but not at all.  She makes me smile and laugh on a daily basis.  I love that she's such a happy baby.  She smiles at strangers and lights up their face.  We sure do love her. 
     So remember that young man Abbey heart attacked?  He's in our ward and he's adopted.  He and Abbey were at a mutual activity on family history and discovered his dad and I are related.  I so wish I could have been there and had a video camera recording everyone's reaction!  Abbey said it was extremly awkward!  Later when Abbey was recounting it to me and she said "that awkward moment when you realize you're related to your crush."  We've been laughing about it everytime we think about it.  So this video's for you Abbey.